Privacy Policy
Information about the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG)
International Counseling TVB values great importance to the protection of your personal data.
In this Privacy Policy I want to provide clear and transparent information about how I handle personal data. I do everything I can to guarantee your privacy and therefore handle personal data with care. International Counseling TVB complies in all cases with applicable laws and regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation.
This means that I in any case:
- Process your personal data in accordance with the purpose for which it was provided, these goals and type of personal data are described in this Privacy Policy.
- Processing of your personal data is limited to only those data that are minimally necessary for the purposes for which they are processed.
- Ask for your explicit permission if I need it for the processing of your personal data
- Have taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of your personal data.
- Do not pass on personal data to other parties, unless this is necessary for the implementation of the purposes for which they were provided.
- Be aware of your rights regarding your personal data, want to point this out to you and respect these rights.
As International Counseling TVB, I am responsible for the processing of your personal data. An extensive and complete privacy policy is in my possession, and you can request it if you wish.
The Basic Principles of the Professional Code
As a member of the Dutch-Flemish Association of Gestalt Therapy (NVAGT), Mirjam Tiel van Buul adheres to the professional ethics and professional code of Gestalt therapists. The Gestalt therapist must behave responsibly, with integrity, respectfully and professionally. The Professional Code contains guidelines and rules of conduct that are derived from these four basic principles.
The Professional Code in the interest of the client and the psychotherapist
By drawing up rules of conduct in the Professional Code, it is clear to the client and the therapist what they can and cannot expect. Rights and obligations regarding the treatment, investigation, the file and other matters are described in detail in the Professional Code. This should ensure that the client is protected against possible careless actions by a therapist.
Complaints Committee P3NL
If mediation does not offer a solution and your complaint is so serious, you can write to the P3NL Complaints Committee. This committee consists of independent complaints officers. The complaint is then assessed against the Professional Code for Psychologists or the Professional Code for Psychotherapists, against the background of the Care Quality, Complaints and Disputes Act (Wkkgz).
Rates & Payment from 1st of April 2023
Individual therapy/ 125 euros/60 minutes
Couple relational therapy/ 160 euros/60 minutes
The rates include 15 minutes “indirect time” (preparation, journaling, correspondence, etc) per consultation.
Payment needs to be made after each session directly online, you’ll receive the invoice by email after the payment has been made.
Reimbursed insurance coverage
The college of insurance companies decided that when relational or work problems are the main diagnosis, from January 2013 will not be covered.
International Counseling TVB is an independent practice which means that it works without contracts with healthcare insurance companies. The invoice will be directly sent from the practice and the invoices you can hand them over by your own health care insurance.
Depending on which insurance company you have, the costs of the session will be reimbursed. It is possible to receive reimbursement which is established by the Dutch Healthcare Authorities. More information you can find
On the website you will find an overview of the reimbursements of each healthcare insurance.
Please, contact the insurance company and check the codes.
- AGB-code practice International Counseling TVB 94066694
- AGB-code zorgverlener Mirjam Tiel van Buul 94110303
Cancellation and rescheduling
Cancellations and/or rescheduling can be made at least 48 hours before the scheduled time. Otherwise, the 65 euros will be charged.